Thursday, November 28, 2019

How to Handle Conflict in the Workplace

How to Handle Conflict in the WorkplaceHow to Handle Conflict in the WorkplaceConflicts in the workplace can occur for many reasons, but some of the top reasons for conflict are that people often have very different ideas and ways of approaching their job that everyone around them might not agree with. Each of us has learned very early on how to handle conflict. For some of us, that means knowing how to effectively communicate our desires and our needs in order to better understand the problem and how it relates to others but for some of us, it may be that we learned to handle conflict by being aggressive and not be willing to compromise which makes it difficult to come to any kind of a solution. When individuals feel threatened in any way, they may often resort to the flight or fight response to alleviate their stress. Unfortunately, neither of behauptung responses is a good way to handle conflict because the root of the problem still remains and neither festivitt feels any resoluti on. Wherever there are people living or working together, there are bound to be problems. The key to handling any type of conflict is to learn strategies where both people can feel heard. Establish Strong Professional Relationships From the Start One key way to avoiding conflict in the workplace is to take some time to establish good working relationships with your supervisor and your co-workers. Developing strong relationships in the workplace can help you to avoid much of the pettiness that can go on when people dont feel accepted as an important part of the group. Staying out of the line of fire when it comes to geschftszimmer politics can put you in a position to stay out of some of the negativity that can invade the workplace. Avoid office politics at all costs and make it a practice to stay away from office gossip as well. Participating in office gossip can put you in a bad light and cause your supervisor and coworkers to view you as someone who is unprofessional and perh aps a troublemaker to boot. Conflict in the workplace can often be a good thing and something to embrace. Conflict can help get problems on the table and force both parties to take a stand on their beliefs and hopefully find a way that they can communicate on what they would both like to accomplish. Facing conflict early on also helps prevent bad feelings to fester while also providing an opportunity to move closer to a deeper understanding. Making Peace in the Workplace Usually, we make more out of conflict than we really need to do. It may be our partal pride that holds us back from being the first person to take the initiative to move closer to the other person but by just being the first one to take action, shows your willingness to create some good will. Focus on the Facts When trying to resolve a conflict with another person it is important that you stick just to the facts. It is quite possible that the two of you see things in a totally different way, which is usually why conflict begins in the first place, but its very important for both parties to stay with what they see as the facts and not let emotions get in the way. Ask an Objective Third Party to Help You may find that the problem has gone on too long or that one or both of you has some very strong feelings on a particular issue so it can often times be helpful for both parties to sit down both individually and together with an objective third party. Another person might help you draw a different perspective on the problem, which could be all it takes to come to a solution that can be accepted by both parties. Be a Good Listener Oftentimes conflicts can be avoided or solved rather quickly if each party would take the time to fully listen to what the other party has to say rather than having to express their opinion first and then occupy their mind by thinking of what else they want to say. Its also important to go into any kind of negotiations with a clear mind and avoid any preco nceived notions. The communication should always be respectful and both parties should work to make the other person feel heard. Maintain a Win-Win Attitude Even though two people may be in conflict, they may still be very much in sync on what theyd both like to see happen. When something ends up being a win-win for both parties, the result is usually a sense of goodwill and a strong feeling of accomplishment. Working through a problem and coming up with a win-win situation for everyone really can help to make a working relationship stronger and benefits both parties.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Get Companies to Chase You by Totally Changing Your Cover Letter

Get Companies to Chase You by Totally Changing Your Cover Letter Get Companies to Chase You by Totally Changing Your Cover Letter As you probablyknow by now, Im not a fan of the wait-and-see game that is, pinging your resumeto ajob site or acompany and waiting to see if someone isinterested in you.This tactic takes control of your job search fromyou and puts it in other peopleshands. Thisstrategy is one way of doing things but itsthe old-school way There are many other ways to find a job, but today Im going to share one way in particular with you. Its a way that is all about- you becoming visible- you getting the job you want- and you taking back control of your job search so that companies chase after you.How toTake Back Control of Your Job SearchThere is more than one way to skin a cat please note thatI love cats, but Im sure you get what I mean but heres one step you can taketo gain control of your job search. Its a completely new spin on the traditional cover letter.I call i t the Show Tell Letter.The Show Tell Letter is all about monetizing yourself. Its about taking proactive action.The Show Tell Letter isabout showinga hiring manager that you understand their issues andtelling them that you are the solution to their problems. (Remember You only get hired because they have a problem.)Writing a Show Tell LetterThere are four steps to creating the perfect Show Tell LetterThe BaitProblem IdentificationProblem SolvingClosing1.The Bait Draw the hiring manager in by showing an interest in the company. Do some research, read trade magazines, conduct a Google search. The point is to find something new about the company a recent industry award, a new product launch, or a new process development. In your letter, you shouldpraise the person or company for the achievements you have uncovered. People love to receive credit, and this will encourage them to read on.2. Problem IdentificationDuring yourresearch, you also want to find something that may be keeping the manager you are writing to up at night. This is not about telling them how to do their job its about identifying with their problem.For example, maybe the managerworks fora abflugup company and is trying to get the word out about their products or services. You can say that you understand how challenging their situation must be, with staff members wearing so many hats and working around the clock to develop and implement marketing strategies.3. Problem SolvingUse a couple of sentences to provide evidence of how you can solve the problem you identified. Use a practical example of a time when you have achieved a similar result for another company. Do not go into elaborate detail you can save that for the interview. Just state the facts about how you fixed the issue.4. ClosingThis needs to be short and sweet. A simple sentence saying you would love to chat about how you can achieve thesame results for them is enough.You can sendyour resume along withthe letter, but do not refer t o it in the letter. Your resume is justthere to provide additional information about you. The Show Tell Letter is not a placeto talk about yourself it is a place to talk about your potential employers problem.Once youve sent your first Show TellLetter off, its time to start compiling a list of other companies that you could send a similar letter to. Do your research and start all over again. Dont stop until companies start chasing youBe Proactive Own Your Job SearchImagine sending a Show TellLetter to ahiring manager not the HR person, but the person who needs you and can hire you. Can you see how the Show Tell Letter can help you take control of your job search? Can you see how powerful this tool will be in getting hired?Youre showing the managerthat you understand their issues, and youre tellingthem that youre the solution.So which do you prefer the reactive action of responding to job sites and advertisements, or the proactive action ofbypassing HR procedures and directly gra bbing the attention of the person who can hire you?I know what my choice is.Get Noticed, Get Hired.Susan Burke is an award-winning global careers coach. You can connect with Susan viaLinkedInandgrab a complimentary copy of her bookdirect from her website.Master the art of closing deals and making placements. Take our Recruiter Certification Program today. Were SHRM certified. Learn at your own pace during this 12-week program. Access over 20 courses. Great for those who want to break into recruiting, or recruiters who want to further their career.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Big Little Lies Shailene Woodley on why not to use this word about women

Big Little Lies Shailene Woodley on why not to use this word about womenBig Little Lies Shailene Woodley on why not to use this word about womenShailene Woodley is anything but predictable. After all, she started on such teenybopper gems as The OC and The Secret Life of the American Teenager before taking a star-making turn in the George Clooney vehicle The Descendants and then going on to star in the entgegengesetzt trilogy (and also making us cry for days in The Fault in Our Stars) and now the cultural phenomena that is Big Little Lies. She is also quite outspoken offscreen and welches arrested in 2016 for protesting the Dakota Access Pipeline.During a recent interview at 92Y Ladders was on hand for, the Golden Globe-nominated Woodley sat down with SELF magazine Editor in Chief Carolyn Kylstra to discuss the imminent premiere of the second season of Big Little Lies the conversation then crescendoed into a manifesto on all things related to women empowerment, tzu sichapy shaming, an d the delicate subject of domestic abuse.Follow Ladders on FlipboardFollow Ladders magazines on Flipboard covering Happiness, Productivity, Job Satisfaction, Neuroscience, and moreOn the complexity of the word empowermentAt one point during the interview, Kylstra prompted Woodley to explain why she allegedly had an issue with the term empowered being used to describe women. Woodley asserted that she did not have a harte nuss with the word empowerment itself, but ratherbei took issue with its overuse.Right now in Hollywood, the conversation I often have with journalists is how do you feel about portraying one of the many strong, empowered females in your cast? I have to ask myself, are they strong? Are they empowered? Or are they just broken, hurting, messy, funny, corrupt, human beings who dont have it all together? Theres a common narrative surrounding female based projects that imply the women are strong and empowered. We tend to throw catchphrases out there to uplift the idea of equality and justice thats not actually addressing the real situation, which is that there is a learning curve in how we can all communicate properly together to achieve equality. You take away the power from empowerment by using it inaccurately.On working with the Big Little Lies castWere all very different people. Were all from different generations. We each have distinct generational journeys and are coexisting. But we all genuinely like each otherwhether the conversation is political or emotional, were very open. We always have the same idea of a solution but have different ideas on how to get there. I may have a specific idea in mind in how to get things done, and so do the other cast members. Ive never met a group of women who are able to achieve this with such transparency and honesty. We hold space for each other. holding-gesellschaft steadfast to your viewpoint exacerbates apathy and lack of empathy.On the cast members she was most initially excited to work withId already w orked with Laura Dern and Zoe Kravitz, so I was most excited to work with Nicole Kidman and Reese Witherspoon. Theyre all so down to earth so you dont feel like youre working with them as legends, because they really are such normal people. You never get to see them that way. It feels special to get to know them in such an intimate way.On Meryl Streep joining the castI immediately noticed the way Meryl held herself and the way she effortlessly and gracefully handles a script. Meryl not only memorizes her own script, she knows everyone elses. I remember her pointing out a certain line in the third scene and another line in the 60th and remarking on how they are related. I dont think Ill ever get to the point where Ill memorize everyones linesshe has such respect for the writers.On how Big Little Lies navigates the portrayal of sensitive subject matterBig Little Lies has been very challenging. The subject matters that were dealing with are so personal. Many have experienced domestic o r sexual abuse or know someone in their lives who have experienced it. We have to take the time to dig into these topics, include the levity and proper human psychology that isnt always morose - theres a lot of complexity.Capturing this in the character of Jane has been challenging. When you have moments of extreme trauma in your life, you hold yourself differently. I felt that at the end of the previous season Jane has this cataclysmic release. My character needed to separate her old identity from her new one. I actually approached the team about giving Jane bangs. Its dramatic and a big change.Ive had friends in my close circle that have had similar situations in their lives. One of my extended family members actually reached out to me and told me her story of abuse. You realize that what youre doing actually matters, apart from the story line.On her favorite role of all timeI dont have a favorite role. For me its not about the role, its about the story. Adrift was very meaningfu l for me. We filmed the entire thing in two weeks with 10 or 15 crew members in the middle of the ocean.I wouldnt say that Divergent was my favorite acting experience by any means but it was a good learning experience. It was like being in a frat or sorority for a short period of time. It was a bunch of young kids stuck together in Chicago in the middle of winter trying to make this movie work. The special effects were also a learning experience in and of itself.On how acting compares to producingRight now, I would say I prefer producing. Youre really like a conductor - you pick each piece of the puzzle and pray that they work together. I love the creativity involved. As an actor, creativity can get lost. As a producer, the amount of magic is infinite. Also, the business aspect really gets me going. I love being in charge.On setting aside your career life from your personal lifeIn my early 20s, I decided to cut my mother outside of my career. It was really difficult for her because it has been her life too for so long. She was the middleman in a lot of situations. But it was so important for me to make this operation happen. Me not telling my family everything about my career was a self-protection mechanism. I come from a very normal suburban family - that is where my true joy lies. If I only lived in my career or only in my personal life, I wouldnt be able to experience that joy.On her arrest at Standing jupe and activism outside of actingMy arrest was not planned. My friend at Standing Rock asked me to use my platform to get the petition signedCut to my arrest many months later, I just felt lucky to have had a Facebook live that I could stream to 50,000 people in that exact moment of arrest. What was so beautiful about standing rock was that native and non-native people were coming together to recognize all that was wrong with our system. Standing Rock really created that knowing.Im a huge proponent of all the work Conservation zwischenstaatlich is doing. Theyre an amazing environmental conservation organization. They are so different from other organizations. Its really about letting nature heal natureThey have employees on the ground that act as the bridge between politicians and the government, communities, and grassroots and indigenous leaders on the ground. They do the real work. Im not a huge fan of huge corporate charities, but these guys are doing it right.You might also enjoyNew neuroscience reveals 4 rituals that will make you happyStrangers know your social class in the first seven words you say, study finds10 lessons from Benjamin Franklins daily schedule that will double your productivityThe worst mistakes you can make in an interview, according to 12 CEOs10 habits of mentally strong people